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The Energy Performance Diagnosis (DPE)



  Since September 1, 2006, the Energy Performance Diagnosis must be established on the sale of all or part of an enclosed and covered building (with exceptions: see the decree ), whatever its use (residential or not).


  The DPE must be annexed to the preliminary contract (promise to sell, sales agreement), it must be made upon the announcement of the sale of his property.


  Its period of validity is 10 years , except, in the case of insulation work, energy improvement or if the DPE already made contains errors, in which case, it must be redone.

Regulatory texts :

            Décret n°2008-461 du 15 mai 2008

Diagnostic de performance énergétique lors des mises en location de bâtiments à usage principal d’habitation et modifiant le code de la construction et de l’habitation

            Arrêté du 8 février 2012 modifiant l’arrêté du 3 mai 2007

Diagnostic de performance énergétique pour les bâtiments existants à usage principal d’habitation proposés à la location en France métropolitaine

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